ArmOR Hand GIVES BACK: A portion of certain sales go directly to help rescue animals.

Bald Eagle Rescue – California Wildlife encounters

On Easter Sunday, Tri County Wildlife Care informed us that a Bald Eagle was in desperate need of rescue. The eagle was seen with visible injuries from a distance at New Hogan Lake in Calaveras County. Two park rangers and a game warden were waiting for us when we arrived. Once on scene, we all worked together so we could safely capture the downed eagle. Our ArmOR Hand Gloves were instrumental in this rescue. Many puncture wounds on the eagle and we rushed the eagle to Acorn Hills Animal Center in Sutter Creek. The emergency veterinarian was waiting for us and performed lifesaving treatments for the eagle. X-rays were taken and no signs of foul play were noted and no lead or gun shot pellets were detected. The eagles injuries are consistent with being involved in a violent fight from a possible rival eagle. The severe maggot infestion was cleaned out and we were able to do this safely while being protected with ArmOR Hand. We worked to treat the injuries for several hours. The eagle is resting now and we are hoping for the best. Thank you all for the great team effort in saving this majestic eagle.

— Ben Knuckolls, California Wildlife Encounters

“Our ArmOR Hand Gloves were instrumental in this rescue. Many puncture wounds on the eagle and we rushed the eagle to Acorn Hills Animal Center in Sutter Creek. The emergency veterinarian was waiting for us and performed lifesaving treatments for the eagle. “

Ben Knuckolls, California Wildlife Encounters