ArmOR Hand GIVES BACK: A portion of certain sales go directly to help rescue animals.

Media & Downloads

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Free Resources to learn about Dr. Laura, our gloves and to downloadable posters for your office or workplace.

Featuring Dr. Laura Catena and ArmOR Hand Glove

ArmOR Hand Spotlight on LinkedIn by Chris Miller, The Dog Lovers' Photographer

As a veterinarian, Laura is well-aware of the seriousness of animal-related injuries. While working as an emergency medicine vet, she was bitten by a patient. Her joints became infected. She had severe pain, extensive surgery, and months of physical therapy in order to re-gain proper function of her hand.

ArmOR Hand Featured on CBS13 Sacarmento News

What was seen slithering in Citrus Heights is becoming a larger issue: Non-native species not necessarily harmful to humans but damaging to our ecosystem overall. Ben Nuckolls of California Wildlife Encounters performed the safe capture and rescue in Citrus Heights.

ArmOR Hand Featured in the Fountain Report

When an infected cat bite landed Dr. Laura Catena in the hospital and jeopardized her career, it inspired her to develop a product that would help prevent the same thing happening to other veterinarians. In 2015, Catena launched the ArmOR Hand Glove, a stretch glove that goes from hand to elbow to help veterinarians protect themselves against bites and scratches.

Question & Answer with WBENC

What inspired you to start your business?
Early in my veterinary career, I was injured by a cat bite on my hand. Because of my injury, I had extensive surgery as the infection had spread to the joints of my hand. I then had months of physical therapy to regain the use of my hand. The idea for ArmOR Hand....

Dr. Laura Catena & ArmOR Hand Featured by Pet Age

Pet Age's Women of Influence Award, celebrates the individuals who set industry benchmarks for excellence...high-performance leaders who have made a notable impact on the field in which they work while also inspiring a new generation of women to make an impact on the pet care community and the pets we serve. These women have demonstrated exceptional courage, strength and leadership to bring positive change to the pet care community." - Pet Age Magazine

Dr. Laura Catena & Why She Developed ArmOR Hand Gloves

"Dr. Laura Catena is a true embodiment of veterinarians who are looking forward to making the profession better. Her innovation work will go a long way in supporting the One Health Mission." - Article by Ellen Re of Vet Candy.

Best Bets for Pets Podcast Interview

"This week Michelle Fern talks with Dr. Laura Catena, creator of ArmOR Hand Gloves. ArmOR Hand Gloves Offer Superior Protection Against Accidental Injury. Injuries from animals are painful, expensive, and traumatic. ArmOR Hand Gloves provide superior dexterity, allowing proper & safe animal restraint, as well as the ability to perform procedures. Tune in to find out all about these amazing gloves!"

Vegan Visibility: Tragedy to ArmOR Hand Glove with Vegan Veterinarian with Dr. Laura Catena

This experience was the catalyst for Dr. Laura Catena, DVM, to evaluate ways to improve safety for not only other veterinarians and other industry experts, but also pet owners. This is when the seed of an idea began that is now a vegan signature product from Dr. Catena...

Veterinarian Turns Injury into Pet Care Industry Tool

Working with animals has been a fulfilling career choice for me. As a veterinarian, I’m able to provide care and compassion to my patients while maintaining and improving their quality of life. After completing four years of veterinary school...

Handle With Care

"It was just a tiny cat that came in for a routine physical back in 2009, all of five pounds. “It was the nicest cat,” says veterinarian and Mt. Lebanon native Laura Catena. But somehow, right in the middle of the exam, the cat lunged at her, grabbed on and bit her left hand, as the owner stood there horrified and Catena fumbled to free herself: “There’s a cat dangling from my hand,” she recalls."

Bites, Scratches & Beyond: Getting Hurt is Not in Your Job Description

Among the many adjectives that might describe working in a veterinary practice, ‘dangerous’ is likely not among the first that come to mind. But maybe it should be.

National Library of Medicine: Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Stays Involving Dog Bites, 2008

About 77.5 million dogs are owned in the United States, making these one of the country’s most popular pets. Each year, approximately 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs. While the majority of dog bites do not require medical attention...

Senior Pet Care

Dr. Laura provides an emphasis on the importance of dental health, as well as measures we can take to keep our senior pets happy and healthy.

Ticks: Early Signs, Prevention, & Treatment

Dr. Laura discusses ticks and the early signs of tick-borne disease, prevention, and treatment. 

Holiday Safety Pet Tips

“The holidays can be a time of joy and excitement, but as veterinarian, Dr. Laura Catena warns, “we need to be aware of the potential dangers to our fur family, especially this time of year.” 

Saving An Osprey by Emily Underwood

"Pete has a poison oak rash in his armpit. The backs of my knees and left shoulder blade are starting to itch. It’s a sign of spring—a sign that last weekend, for the first time in a while, we did something really good..."

These Doctors Love their Doctor, Who could be Your Doctor

"Throughout the pandemic, despite the risks, he has continued to serve his patients and community. I am incredibly proud of my father's dedication to Pittsburgh for the past decades."


The Petropolist New York Episode #77 - Dr. Laura Catena, DVM - Safety in Veterinary Medicine for the Vet & the Pet

On this podcast with Tazz Latifi from The Petropolist New York and Dr. Laura Catena with The ArmOR Hand Glove, important and serious topics are discussed including veterinary suicide, Fear Free medicine, the trauma of injury, and more. 

Superior Protection When Providing Care for Animals With

Who knew something so simple as an animal bite injury can lead to an innovation that would help save animals’ and pet guardians’ lives? That’s what experience has taught Dr. Laura Catena, a veterinarian who developed the ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves after she was bit by a cat early on in her veterinary career...

Tragedy to ArmOR Hand Glove with Vegan Veterinarian with Dr. Laura Catena

What started as a bite by a kitten, turned into a severe infection, requiring extensive medical care. This experience was the catalyst for Dr. Laura Catena, DVM, to evaluate ways to improve safety for not only other veterinarians and other industry experts, but also pet owners.

Nicole Clausen of Inventory Nation with Dr. Laura Catena

"During our conversation, Dr. Laura shares her advice with other veterinary professionals: “What I wish I knew was the importance of self-care. When I graduated veterinary school and started working in emergency medicine, I know for a fact that every moment of my life went, in some way, toward my profession and I was just missing the importance of what I needed emotionally, mentally, physically, so I think for every veterinarian there is time to restart that. Even if it’s very small changes, even one thing a day, it’s really just so important to make yourself a priority as well.”

My Veterinary Life Podcast: Making Lemonade Out of Lemons with Dr. Laura Catena

“So what I know for sure is that people in certain circumstances, they do feel stuck sometimes. And I want to, you know, really remind everyone that there are always options. So, this might entail really taking a look at your life, reviewing what you value the most, it may mean accepting less pay and making lifestyle changes accordingly. However, I feel there are always options.”

Best Bets for Pets with Michelle Fern podcast

Michelle Fern talks with Dr. Laura Catena, creator of ArmOR Hand Gloves.  ArmOR Hand Gloves Offer Superior Protection Against Accidental Injury.  Injuries from animals are painful, expensive, and traumatic. ArmOR Hand Gloves provide superior dexterity, allowing proper & safe animal restraint, as well as the ability to perform procedures. Tune in to find out all about these amazing gloves!

ArmOR Hand Hospital Practice Poster Downloads

Let your Pet Owners Know that you Care. Display these posters in your hospital waiting room or exam room. Download our Exam and Waiting Room Posters!

Media Library

Free Resources to Learn About ArmOR Hand & Downloadable Posters for Your Office or Workplace. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

ArmOR Hand Gloves How To Videos

YouTube video

ArmOR Hand Glove Protection

YouTube video

A Proper Fit

YouTube video

Machine Washable

YouTube video

Flexibility & Dexterity

ArmOR Hand Gloves in Action

YouTube video

How to Clean Your Pet's Ears

YouTube video

How to Brush Your Pet's Teeth

YouTube video

How to Trim Your Pet's Nails

YouTube video

How to Pill Your Pet

YouTube video

In Action: Duck Family Rescue

YouTube video

In Action: Bald Eagle Rescue

YouTube video

In Action: Cat Handling

YouTube video

In Action: Raccoon Transport for Medical Care

YouTube video

In Action: Bat Rescue

Interviews with Dr. Laura Catena

YouTube video

Animal Innovations Show - Episode 76 - ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves

Veterinary Peer Videos

YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video

Audio Interviews with Dr. Sally Foote

Have Questions or Need Support?

Be safe. Glove up.|More Feels. Less Force.®

The ArmOR Hand Protective Gloves® are bite resistant, not bite proof.
They can decrease the severity of injury, if injury occurs.