ArmOR Hand GIVES BACK: A portion of certain sales go directly to help rescue animals.
Yesterday evening I received a report that an owl was trapped inside a wall at an airport hanger.The mechanics heard a noise coming from inside the wall of the metal hanger and they suspected an animal must have been trapped inside the 40 foot wall. I found an adult Barn Owl inside the infrastructure of the airplane hanger. Evidence inside the wall suggested that the owl was trapped and struggled for a few days before being found. Using ArmOR Hand gloves I was able to safely rescue the owl. The owl was transported to Sacramento Wildlife Care Association for a medical evaluation. I’m confident that after a couple days of rehydration the owl should be able to be released back into the wild. Another successful rescue.
— Ben Knuckolls, California Wildlife Encounters
“Using ArmOR Hand gloves I was able to safely rescue the owl. The owl was transported to Sacramento Wildlife Care Association for a medical evaluation. Another successful rescue.”