ArmOR Hand GIVES BACK: A portion of certain sales go directly to help rescue animals.

Beaver Rescue – California WIldlife Encounters

A late night call with Sacramento City Animal Control. Officer Huggins notified me that an adult beaver was reported to be injured or sick and was found wandering on a sidewalk at Tanzanite Park. The adult beaver has a very strong unpleasant odor that is secreted from the anal glands and the base of the tail called Castoreum. In the early 20th century, castoreum was used as a food additive in baked goods, ice cream, chewing gum, and perfume. It appears this beaver was possibly attacked by a dog, and using ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves, we were able to safely and compassionately rescue the beaver and take him to the veterinarian for care.

“using ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves, we were able to safely and compassionately rescue the beaver and take him to the veterinarian for care.”

Ben Knuckolls, California Wildlife Encounters