ArmOR Hand GIVES BACK: A portion of certain sales go directly to help rescue animals.

Baby Raccoon Rescue – California Wildlife Encounters

Yesterday we received a report that a contractor was remodeling the subfloor of a bathroom and found 4 baby raccoon pups alone under the bathtub. We always try and allow the mother to come back and retrieve her babies before we intervene. Using ArmOR Hand Gloves, I placed the babies inside a box and left the newly born raccoons outside with the hope that the mother would come for them them at night. I also placed rocks over the hole that the mother raccoon was using to get under the house. We were pressured to act quickly because the homeowner was not happy with our decision to allow mom to come back and stated he would rather kill the babies and mom so they wouldn’t ever come back. We set a timeline last night to give mom a chance to come and retrieve her pups. Sure enough she came back but only took 3 of the 4 of the baby raccoons. The remaining baby was transferred to Gold Country Wildlife Rescue for rehabilitation. Another great rescue with ArmOR Hand Gloves. The gloves were gentle enough to rescue baby raccoons.

— Ben Nuckolls, California Wildlife Encounters

“Using ArmOR Hand Gloves, I placed the babies inside a box and left the newly born raccoons outside with the hope that the mother would come for them them at night. I also placed rocks over the hole that the mother raccoon was using to get under the house.”

— Ben Nuckolls, California Wildlife Encounters