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Holiday Safety Tips!

Published Dec 19, 2021  |  Author: Dr. Laura Catena  |  Topic(s): , ,


“The holidays can be a time of joy and excitement, but as veterinarian, Dr. Laura Catena warns, “we need to be aware of the potential dangers to our fur family, especially this time of year.” 

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) states, “Amaryllis, mistletoe, balsam, pine, cedar, and holly are among the common holiday plants that can be dangerous and even poisonous to pets who decide to eat them. Poinsettias can be troublesome as well.” 


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Laura Catena Sig

Dr. Laura Catena is the Founder and President of The ArmOR Hand Gloves.

She graduated from The Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine and is a small animal veterinarian. Dr. Catena developed The ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves after a life-threatening injury she endured while working emergency medicine. She is a member of the Women's Business Enterprise National Council and an animal welfare advocate.

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The ArmOR Hand Protective Gloves® are bite resistant, not bite proof.
They can decrease the severity of injury, if injury occurs.